Maui County Gym

Description by Reggie Adams
My favorite place to go on Lānaʻi is the “Old Gym.”  I remember when I first came to the gym.  I was playing basketball all day.  I remember when I made my first basket.  I was six or seven years old and I was with my brothers.  I really tried hard.  I remember when I had my first basketball game.  It was so much fun.  My team name was “Rockets”.  I have had a lot of fun times at the Old Gym.

History by Jake Barcena
The Old Gym has changed over the past years.

The Old Gym was built in 1930.  The Old Gym is where people perform and play sports.

The Lānaʻi Old Gym used to be part of Lānaʻi High & Elementary School.  It was also a sweet shop and a photo studio.

It is the oldest gym on Lānaʻi.

Interview with Mrs. Cookie Hashimoto, by Reggie Adams
I interviewed Mrs. Cookie Hashimoto.  She was telling me information about the old gym.  It was called Lānaʻi City Gym when it was used in 1930.  Mrs. Cookie Hashimoto said they used to have a stage show and the first show was “Jack and the Beanstalk”.  They used it for P.E. class and volleyball and basketball.  They also used it for graduations.  I got a lot of information from Mrs. Cookie Hashimoto.

Description by Jake Barcena
I love the smell of the old gym.  It reminds me of fun memories.

My friends and I love to play basketball at the old gym.  We shoot baskets all the time.

I like dribbling in the old gym with my brothers.  We go back and forth on the court.

I like walking around the gym with my whole family.  We buy drinks from the store and then walk around to get exercise.

I love the gym.  It is a fun place to go