First Hawaiian Bank

Description by Julian Elaydo
The First Hawaiian Bank is the best.  I love the First Hawaiian Bank because people, including me, can get a lot of money there.  I love how it feels inside.  The air is cool, it feels comfortable on my skin.  I also like how it is clean and the building looks colorful inside.  I love the First Hawaiian Bank.

History by Julian Elaydo
I will share with you some facts about First Hawaiian Bank.  It was built in 1924.  Arthur Carlson managed the bank from the 1920s to the 1940s.  It was named before as the  Bishop National Bank, then it became the First National Bank.  Today it is the First Hawaiian Bank.

Interview with Aaron Fernandez by Ilihia Mano-Villarimo
I interviewed Uncle Aaron Fernandez from First Hawaiian Bank.  Uncle Aaron is a branch manager.  He said that he used to sleep there.  It used to be half bank and half house.  Uncle Aaron said that he had a kitchen to make food.  He told us a lot about the First Hawaiian Bank.

Description by Ilihia Mano-Villarimo
First Hawaiian Bank is a nice building.  It is big and warm inside.  The money machine is cool.  I like to watch the money come out.  The people that work there are amazing.  They are always kind to me.  I like to go to First Hawaiian Bank with my mom and sister.